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This is The 38th Signal, a weblog about design, coding, design, experience, design, constraints, cookware, and so much more. Established 2007 in Angola.

Designing for Lynx is Liberating posted by Tony Jun 20, 2007


Really, how can you go wrong when designing for Lynx?

It's text! That's what HTML is all about. That's where it's come from, that's where it's going. Keep it simple, get to the point, and offer the user a fixed width link to your favorite gopher server.

Worried about platform compatibility? worry no more. Lynx supports text on any platform you choose. Just look at these beautiful, elegant designs on Windows:

And then Mac

Now that's the Web with the certainty of good design for all!

We don't need flashy graphics to make our point. If you really need an image, try some ASCII art. Simple and effective. Liberating.

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In loving parody of the 37signals weblog Signal vs Noise.