[eavesdrop] iPhones, UPS, and Salad Jun 28, 2007
Some recent activity at our internal 38thSignal FuneralPyre chat room:
UPS alert
Salad Price Plans
UPS alert
Salad Price Plans
Jobs: |
Your Mom needs a web developer. See more on the Job Board. |
Gigs: |
Towels for Tools - 2 month contract. See more on the Gig Board. |
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Ballpoints and fine tips just don’t convey the same sense of malice and dominance as blood. Fine tips invite you to draw while blood invites you to visualize your concept obliterating the competition. When you sketch with a thin tip you tend to spend too much time worrying about making it look good. Using blood encourages you to ignore extraneous details and focus on what matters: the annihilation of your rivals and the subjugation of their people. You can almost hear the women weeping.
If you're a designer, try this out next time you're sketching. You'll find your focus improves, and that's a good thing.